Implementation of the output text stream to output text to the files.
procedure Close (Self : in out File_Output_Text_Stream'Class)
Close file.
procedure Create
(Self : in out File_Output_Text_Stream'Class;
Name : VSS.Strings.Virtual_String'Class)
Create file with given name to output text data into it. System defined encoding is used to encode text data.
procedure Create
(Self : in out File_Output_Text_Stream'Class;
Name : VSS.Strings.Virtual_String'Class;
Encoding : VSS.Strings.Virtual_String)
Create file with given name to output text data into it using given text encoding.
type File_Output_Text_Stream is
limited new VSS.Text_Streams.Output_Text_Stream with private;
procedure Set_Encoding
(Self : in out File_Output_Text_Stream'Class;
Encoding : VSS.Strings.Virtual_String)
Sets encoding of the data to be used to save information into the file. Encoding can be set only when file is not open.