Copyright (C) 2020-2023, AdaCore
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
type Character_Iterator is new Abstract_Character_Iterator with private;
function Element
(Self : Character_Iterator'Class)
return VSS.Characters.Virtual_Character'Base
Return character pointed by iterator. Return invalid value when iterator points outside of the text data.
function Forward
(Self : in out Character_Iterator;
Element : out VSS.Characters.Virtual_Character'Base) return Boolean
Moves the iterator one character forward, returning True if the new position points to any character within the string data. The element is set to the value of the new pointing character, or to an invalid character if the new position is outside of the string data.
procedure Set_After_Last
(Self : in out Character_Iterator;
On : VSS.Strings.Virtual_String'Class)
Initialize iterator to point after the last character of the given string.
procedure Set_At
(Self : in out Character_Iterator;
Position : VSS.Strings.Cursors.Abstract_Character_Cursor'Class)
Initialize iterator to point at the character at given position.
procedure Set_At_First
(Self : in out Character_Iterator;
On : VSS.Strings.Virtual_String'Class)
Initialize iterator to point to the first character of the given string.
procedure Set_At_Last
(Self : in out Character_Iterator;
On : VSS.Strings.Virtual_String'Class)
Initialize iterator to point to the last character of the given string.
procedure Set_Before_First
(Self : in out Character_Iterator;
On : VSS.Strings.Virtual_String'Class)
Initialize iterator to point before the first character of the given string.